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"BirthDay Wishes For Friend" 🎁

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Top 103+ Happy Birthday Status for Friend in English | Best Friend Birthday Wishes


Happy Birthday Status for Friend in English | Best Friend Birthday Wishes | Birthday Wishes For Friends

Happiest birthday to a dear friend of mine
I wish and pray that you stay blessed
I wish that you get all what you wish for
I just want that you stay happy forever
You are and will remain my special friend
Happy Birthday to you
May God bless you!

That smile in the grumpy mood
Those hangout plans with you
That laughing on silly jokes
Talking about future too
                I know that my life is amazing
Because of a friend like you
Keep smiling through
Wishing a very Happy birthday to you!

My dear friend,
On your birthday today I wish
That you get everything you wish for
I wish that you stay blessed
I wish that you get what your heart desires
A loving wish from my end
Stay happy and keep smiling
Wish you a very Happy birthday
Have an awesome day!

birthday quotes status

birthday 3D hd images,dear friend special friend birthday wishes

Some relationships last for a lifetime
As yours and my friendship
Some relations are pure as ever
As the bond that we share my friend
You will always have a special
Place in my heart
Wishing you an amazing day
A very Happy birthday!

You understand me like no one does
You always stand with me beside
I am so me with you,
There are no feelings to hide
Stay as you are in life
Because you are perfection
My dear friend in life
Wishing you a very Happy birthday
Have an amazing day!

Have a good time is my wish for you
May you get smiles all new
With wishes from your family along
With a wonderful birthday song
You have been a friend who's
Always been there in life
Wishing you a very Happy birthday
Have a great day!

birthday quotes status

my best friends birthday quotes

I have learned the meaning of
True friendship only with you
I have learned the meaning of friendship
Along the way and through
I wish that you stay happy along
And have a great time this day
Wishing you a very Happy birthday!

When things go wrong in life
When you are forever low
When your life is slow
You have a friend who cheers you up
And lift your spirits in life
So thanks to an amazing friend
As you have been in my life
Wish you an amazing day
Wish you a very Happy birthday!

Happiness all along the way
I ask for good wishes today
As you, celebrate your special day
I also want to celebrate the friendship
That we share along each way
Bestie just stay as you are
Wishing you a very Happy birthday
Have an amazing day!

birthday quotes status

friends birthday status for whatsapp

How is a true friend?
If someone asks me,
I simply take your name
I simply tell the world that true
Friend is someone like you
Who is always there
Happy birthday to you
Stay blessed in life!

I remember that first day when
We met along and got connected
Since that day our friendship has
Grown leaps and bounds,
So happy that I have you in my life
A wonderful friend always
Happy birthday to you
Stay blessed all through!

Friends fill in that space in life
Giving a room for happiness all the way
Today on your special day my friend
I just want to say
That you hold a special place in my heart
You will always remain a part
Of my wonderful life
Happy birthday to you
Stay blessed too!

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best friends birthday quotes images

A great friend will stay with you
Will not leave your side
You will be yourself with your friend
There won't be anything to hide
You have been that kind of friend in my life
Thanks for always being there
Happy birthday to you
May you keep smiling all through!

It's so good to have you along
In this wonderful journey of life
To share all my happiness
To help me along in strive
It's good to have you along
In this life forever
Happy birthday to you
May God bless you!

I wish you a happy day ahead
With lots of good wishes your way
May you get what you truly want
May you have an amazing day
A wish from your special friend
That you keep smiling all day
Happiest birthday to you!

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Every moment of life is great
As I have a wonderful friend like you
Every moment is like a celebration
As we cherish things all new
Its so cool to have an amazing friend like you
My bestie, I love you
Wishing you a very Happy birthday
Stay blessed in life!

All the silly fights we have
Those gossips that we share
Even when you do not talk to me
I know that you do care
That is the kind of super
Friendship that we have
Happy birthday to my bestie
Stay blessed in life!

Some friendships last for a lifetime
As yours and mine
I wish you good luck in everything
Today I just wish to sing
Happiest birthday to my dear friend
May you stay happy along
May you get what you desire
Keep smiling!

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My life was like a blank page
You came along and filled
With the colors of happiness my
friend, thanks for always being there
I know you always care,
Wishing you a very Happy birthday
Have an amazing day!

I am really happy today
It is like the most amazing day
So happy that it's your birthday
So let the music play
As you cut that super cake
Many good wishes to you
Wishing you a very Happy birthday!

A sweet birthday wish from my side,
Lets go for a fun ride,
Lets dance and enjoy your day,
Coz its your special birthday!

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I think you are the most amazing 
person I have ever met,
You are a true friend and are always with me 
through thick and thin,
Please don't change ever,
A very happy birthday to you!

Wishing you an awesome day,
With good luck on your way,
Stay blessed and happy this day,
My dear friend on your birthday today!

Dear friend,
A special blessing from god this day,
To make your day so special today,
Have a nice day,
Is all I want to say,
Happy birthday!

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You are such a beautiful person you know,
There is so much love for me to show,
Friend you are special and will always be,
Enjoy your birthday to thee!

It's a perfect day I know,
For me to show,
That you are my best friend and will always stay,
I know I didn't want to say,
But, have an awesome day,
Coz its your birthday today!

Have a lovely day my friend,
Enjoy your day and start a new trend,
A trend to enjoy your day each minute,
Best friends forever a title so fit,
Happy birthday my friend!

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Wishing you loads of happiness today,
Because its your birthday,
A special wish for a special friend,
You and me together are a perfect blend,
Happy birthday mate!

It's a pleasure to have you as my friend,
with you, I just don't need to pretend,
Just stay happy on your birthday,
Here is wishing you a special day,
Happy birthday!

Best of best friends are hard to find,
But, I am glad I have mine,
Happy birthday to you my friend,
Stay blessed and happy this day!

birthday quotes status

May you have a day so wonderful that 
you remember it for the rest of the year, till 
yet another wonderful birthday comes along. A 
very Happy Birthday to you. 
May God Bless you abundantly.

Not everyone in this world is blessed with 
an understanding, trustworthy, caring 
and loving friend. That is exactly why 
I consider myself so incredibly lucky. 
A very Happy Birthday to you. 
Have an amazing day.

Angels are few, and so are you. And that is what makes you so special. Many many Happy Returns of the day. Have an amazing day and an even more amazing year ahead.

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Birthday greetings to a very special person! May your day be just as wonderful as the person you are. May God Bless you and grant you all your dreams.

I just want you to know that it feels really nice to have such a wonderful friend like you around. Thank you for being my friend. A very Happy Birthday to you. May all the good things in the world come to you. Have a nice day.

On your birthday may all that you asked from God be granted to you hundred fold! Happy Birthday to my sweetest friend. Always keep smiling the way you do! Have an amazing day and an even more special year ahead. May God Bless you.

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You have always been there for me and helped me sail smoothly through thick and thin. I find myself so incomplete without you. Thank you for being my friend. Here is wishing you a very Happy Birthday. May you have a blast. Xoxo

Lovers may come and go, but friendship lasts for a lifetime. I am glad to have a friend like you. You make my world a happier place to live in with your magical presence. Love ya sweets! Happy Birthday to you. Make you have a rocking day.

Cheers to the coolest person in this world! May your birthday be indeed a very special one. May God Bless you and grant you plenty of birthdays so that you are always there around to make this world a happier place to live in. Happy Birthday, dear friend. Xoxo

Friendship goes beyond all the other relationships in the world. So my dear friend, you can just imagine how special you are to me. Happy Birthday. Thank you so being my friend. Hugs and kisses.

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Our friendship is the pillar of foundation in my life
Thanks for supporting me all the time
Happy Birthday!

May this Birthday teach you that failure, depression, rejection, sorrow, hurt and pain are words that you should erase from the dictionary of your life. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday.

May every Birthday remind you the number of people who love you and can't do without you. I'm one of them! Happy Birthday.

Your Birthday means a lot to me because it is God's way of showering blessings on me. He knew I would need a companion to sail me through life and so he made you! Have a great Birthday today.

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Did you know that when you get genuine Birthday wishes, something really good happens the next day? All I can say is that you've really got to wait and watch for tomorrow! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday.

May you live life to the very best on your special day today, get drunk, be merry and dance the night away. Because in the morning, you'll have a whale of a time digesting the fact that you have one less year on Earth! Haha. Happy Birthday.

On your Birthday I want you to remember for the rest of your life, that I have always been the first one to wish you a Happy Birthday.

Friends are like shadows, they let other people know not to mess with you by constantly being with you! Thanks for being the shadow of my life. Happy Birthday!

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It's not the Birthday gift that matters but the feeling with which it is given. So, don't mind that I have given you an inexpensive Birthday gift because it has come straight from my heart! Happy Birthday dear friend.

Since we've shared everything in life until now, you've got to share your Birthday gifts with me too! Happy Birthday!

On your Birthday today, I wish and pray to God that we always have times when we understand the words between the lines and the unsaid sentences in a conversation. I pray that talking and verbalizing never destroys our friendship. Happy Birthday!

To be a good friend and to have a good friend is one of the greatest joys in life. With a friend like you by my side, I couldn't ask for anything more. Happy Birthday buddy.

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Your Birthday is important for me because it gives me one more year of being with you, using all your help, playing pranks on you and having you as a comfort pillow for my tough times! Happy Birthday.

You are a mirror to my life. I see myself in your success and failure, hope and rejections, courage and determination. May we always remain mirrors to each other for the rest of our lives. Dear friend, wishing you a very Happy Birthday.

The best thing about welcoming each other's Birthdays as friends is that we grow old together. We have been arms-in arms with where life has brought us until now and what life has to offer for the future. Happy Birthday!

On your Birthday today, I hope you never stop learning, evolving, changing for the good, growing wise, gathering experience and accumulating life skills. My Birthday wish for you is that you should grow wise not old. On this note, I wish you a very joyous Birthday!

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I've accepted you for what you are all these years. I have borne your mistakes; I have tolerated your idiosyncrasies and kept up with all your weird acts. So what do I get a as a return gift on your Birthday today? Just kidding. Wishing you a Happy Birthday.

Life is like a plaid cloth. A few blocks may look dark and broad and a few blocks are small and light. But when you see it as a whole, the plaid looks lovely in combination. I hope you too, have a great mix of seasons and occasions in your life. Happy Birthday!

In the journey of your life, may your joys double and your success triple, may your sorrows halve and your failure disappear. Wishing you a stress free life. Happy Birthday!

You need to enjoy and have fun on your Birthday as much as people have enjoyed having you in their lives. Happy Birthday!

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Today, I raise a toast to our friendship that has remained intact since so many years having survived attempts of lies, deceit, fights, misunderstandings and the wrath of naysayers. Let your Birthday seal the bond of our friendship forever and ever. Happy Birthday!

For me, you are a friend like...
Sunshine in winter
Oasis in a desert
Fresh water in a muddy pool
Food in a drought
Dry patch of land in a flood
Bees in spring
A cool breeze in summer
Mist on the mountains and
Age in a wine.
You're all these things and more. Happy Birthday to you dear friend!

I think you are a fantastic person all year round but since you've invited me to your Birthday party today, I'm verbalizing it! Happy Birthday friend.

The best Birthday gift I can give you today can't be measured in money or time. My feelings for you break barriers of all sorts to go straight into the depths of your heart. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday.

On your Birthday, let's make a promise to each other that we'll share our rocky times to divide our pain and shout out loud together in our times of joy so that we can multiply our happiness. Happy Birthday!

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Today I am celebrating the big day of a person, who is not only a very dear friend, but a great accomplice, confidante and a shoulder to cry on. You've played every role of your life with panache and honesty. Cheers to that on your Happy Birthday!

May you live to be a hundred years, may you have bags full of money, may you never fall sick, may you have the best of friends and may you be able to retire rich at the age of 50! Happy Birthday buddy. I will always wish the very best for you.

When God was giving you birth, he probably had a way lot of time to pass and that's why He created you! Just kidding buddy. Have a phenomenal birthday and super successful years ahead.

You're like a classic Audrey Hepburn movie, a classic Chanel perfume, a classic Jane Austen book and a classic Burberry trench coat ? you'll never go out of style! Be this way, always! Happy Birthday!

Did you know that you share your Birthday with many celebrities? Don't worry, you'll get there pretty soon yourself too! Happy Birthday.

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On your Birthday today, I want to wish you everything BIG ? Big money, big success, big home, big heart, big birthday cakes. Have a great Birthday.

Amongst the innumerable friends that I have, you've been the most special and caring, the most lovable and loving, the most fun and annoying at the same time! Well, that's what friends are all about, right? Happy Birthday!

I want you to take an IQ Quiz and check whether you've just grown a year older or even a year wiser. Haha. Happy Birthday!

I want to be the first person today to give you the warmest, deepest and most genuine wishes ever. Happy Birthday dear friend!

If I had the energy of wishing you a Happy Birthday a thousand times in the day today, I would do it. Not because I want to show off how much I can talk, but because I want to show off how much you mean to me. May you have a super fun Birthday and rollicking years ahead.

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In my life, sorrow has always given way to happiness, weakness has always given way to strength, hatred has always given way to love and doubt has always given way to confidence. Just because you were always by my side. Have a great Birthday and a fabulous year ahead.

Time flies and life changes fast. When I think back, I can hardly believe that we spent so much time together and shared so many joys and sorrows. You're my dearest friend and today I want to tell you that I cherish those times more than anything else in my life. Happy Birthday!

I wouldn't miss your Birthday for anything. After all, you're going to give me some great chocolate cake! Haha. Happy Birthday to you.

Today I am celebrating the Birthday of a person who has not only touched my life but the lives of many others with warm actions and a good heart. Dear friend, I wish you the best of life and times. Happy Birthday.

If friendship is one of the most important relationships in life then you are the most important person for me. I raise a toast you dear friend and wish you success in whatever you do. Happy Birthday.

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There were three people who were extremely happy on the day you were born. Your mum, your dad and me, wherever I existed at that time! Let's celebrate this day once again. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday.

Have I ever told you what a pain you've been as a friend? There are times when you've been irritating, nagging and disappointing. But since you're feeding me your Birthday cake today, I forgive you of all that. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

You might celebrate your Birthday each year but this Birthday is only going to come only once in a lifetime. I hope you have the best party and get the best gifts ever! Wishing my dearest friend a very Happy Birthday.

With a friend like you by my side, I'm not afraid of anything in this world. And with a friend like me by your side, you shouldn't be afraid of anything too! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

More than just being my BFF, you're my true, genuine and most lovable friend. Wishing you many more years of luck, fortune, success and good health. Happy Birthday!

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I don't need to tell you that you always have a shoulder to cry on and a back to lean on in your times of need or when you're simply feeling down, right? On your special day today, I want to remind you that I am always there for you. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday.

Friendship is like a young sapling. If you ignore it, it shrivels and if you water it too much, it becomes dependent. But you, my dear friend, have given me the best of both worlds. Thank you for that and I wish you a very Happy Birthday today.

On your Birthday today, I pray to dear God that we have many more things to learn, mistakes to make, pranks to play and years of our golden friendship to enjoy. Happy Birthday!

For me, friendship is not an empty term. You have personified the word for me so deeply that nothing in the world can erase the meaning of friendship from my life. Happy Birthday, dear friend.

May you be gifted with life's biggest joys and never-ending bliss. After all, you yourself are a gift to earth, so you deserve the best. Happy Birthday.

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I wish you a lovely day, not just today because it is your birthday, but all year round. May you always wake up in the morning with a smile on your face. Happy Birthday to you.

I wish you all the finest things in life, my dearest friend because a royalty like you deserves the best. Happy Birthday, my precious one. May you have an awesome day.

You listened to me when I wanted to talk. You were always there to help me get rid of my fears and wipes away all my tears. Today on your birthday, I just cannot make my mind whom should I be more thankful to. To you for being a sweetheart? Or to God for blessing me with a friend like you? Happy Birthday.

Thank you for understanding and trusting me so much. But most of all thank you for standing by my side and believing, I was right even when everybody thought otherwise. Happy Birthday to you. I wish the best of best comes to you.

Life itself has been such a smashing hit, right from the time you made your grand entrance. I love you, my friend. You are really special to me. Happy Birthday.

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You can make even the dullest day so damn interesting with your bright smile and hilarious sense of humor. You are simply awesome to have around. Have a lovely birthday, amigo.

On your birthday, I just want to remind you that you are the best person I have ever met in my whole life. Don't bother what anybody else has to say, you have changed my life and I will never forget that. Happy Birthday to you, my dearest friend.

Nobody is as luck as me to have you. You understand me more than I can even understand myself. I could never thank you enough for all that you have done for me. Happy Birthday to the best friend in this whole world.

I'm taking your birthday as an opportunity to thank you for all that you are to me. I will never be able to forget the support that you have given me. Happy Birthday, my sugar lumps! May your birthday be as sweet as you are.

Thank you so much for standing by my side and being such a lovely friend always. I may have never ever thanked you or maybe even taken you for granted all the time. But on your birthday, I just want you to know that I value you the most in my life. Nobody will ever be able to take your place. Happy Birthday to you, my friend.

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You bring magic into the world my friend and with your magic, this world becomes a better place to live in. Probably, that is because you are an angel. I seriously don't know what I would do without you. Happy Birthday to the best friend I've ever had.

I'm sure that there is no other person in this world whose heart is as beautiful as yours. After all, I know you so damn well. Happy Birthday, buddy. I wish you live a thousand years.

Not everyone is as lucky as me to be blessed with a friend like you. Thank you so much for coming into my life and standing by my side through thick and thin. I wish you get all that you truly deserve. Happy Birthday to you.


I am so lucky to have been blessed with a friend as wonderful as you. On your birthday I just want to thank God for sending you into this world. You are seriously a blessing in disguise. Happy Birthday, my friend.

I am glad I found a friend like you,
You are to me like a shining dew.
This day God has given me the best gift,
You are the reason my mood is always uplift.
Happy Birthday!

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Each day my friend you learn new things,
Each phase is like life's new innings.
Sometimes you get chances, sometimes you choose,
In this game of life, a smile is what I hope you never lose.

With a friend like you, who cares and supports with such a vibrant zeal, life and world turns in to so much fun. Thanks and wishing you a very sweet birthday.

You are an amazing friend, with a good heart. May God pour his love and warmth on you, in all walks of life. I wish you a very happy birthday.

With a new year of your journey, shall come more challenges, opportunities and greater success. May God bless you. Happy Birthday.

I wish you a very Happy and warm Birthday. Your friendship has touched all of us. May you get all you desire.

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You are a good friend and an even better person. May God bless you with wonderful times ahead. Happy Birthday and thanks for the friendship we share.

On your birthday, today, I wish you a year with loads of fun, excitement and beautiful memories. Happy Birthday.